Energy & Building Projects

With the continual increase in operational costs and decrease in budgets, it is more important than ever that energy projects are completed successfully and effectively. The purpose of the energy and building projects program is to ease phone calls, simplify the process, ensure maximum savings, and bring peace-of-mind to our purchasing members.

As part of the META Purchasing Cooperative, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was released as required by Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Section 9.33, et seq. The selection committee consisting of representatives from twelve member districts shortlisted three energy companies to move to the Request for Proposal (RFP) phase. After conducting interviews, the selection committee unanimously awarded the Energy Savings Master Contract for R.C. 167.081 Procurement to Dynamix Energy Services.

Interested in further savings? Take a look at our Utility Auditing Services

*To take advantage of this program, please contact an awarded vendor below.

Veregy / Dynamix Energy

Garry Montgomery

Related Resources, Bids & Documents