Registration for META Infinite Campus Summer trainings is now open.
We will be conducting these session 100% in-person at the META Athens Office.
Below you will find a full schedule of events as well as a brief description of each training.
Please take the time to read each offering in it’s entirety and ensure that the appropriate individuals from your district sign up. Each participant will need to sign up individually so we can have an accurate attendance count since there our meeting space is limited to 25 people per session.
Feel free to share this page with your colleagues to ensure they have the opportunity to enroll into the necessary trainings. it is imperative to have them, even for seasoned employees as things are constantly changing and evolving within Infinite Campus.
Let’s all work together this summer to ensure your district has a smooth start to the 2024 school year!
Tuesday, August 1
System Clean Up / User Security
9am – 11am
Course / Grading Setup
12pm – 3pm
Wednesday, August 2
9am – 2:30pm
9am – 3 pm
Monday, August 7
9am – 11:30am
12:30pm – 3pm
Tuesday, August 8
Teacher Coach: Session 1
9am – 11:30am
Teacher Coach: Session 2
12:30pm – 3pm
Wednesday, August 9
Basic AdHoc
9am – 11:30am
Infinite Campus Cleanup
12:30pm – 3pm
Friday, August 11
Health Module
9am – 11:30am
12:30pm – 3pm
Tuesday August 1, 2023
System Clean Up / User Security
9am – 11am
Intended Audience: Tech Coordinators, Infinite Campus Specialists
Content: Ensuring System Preferences are set up per district decisions for various toolsets (Behavior, Attendance, Fees, Reports etc.). As well as creating/maintaining User Accounts for students, parents, and staff.
Course / Grading Setup
Noon – 3pm
Intended Audience: Counselors, Administrators, EMIS Coordinators
Content: Showcasing how to create a course, sections, grading task, etc. within Infinite Campus, ensuring the appropriate selections are made for EMIS reporting purposes. Showcasing the various grading options to provide a smooth transition for grade calculation. Also, going through the various report settings and setting up the grading window to print reports throughout the school year.
Wednesday August 2, 2023
Secretary / Scheduling
9am – 2:30pm
Intended Audience: Building Secretaries, Scheduling Coordinators
Content: Creating and editing individual students’ schedule using the Walk-In Scheduling toolset. Creating and managing fees, using fee wizard, and running fee reports. Maintaining Census data for students and parents to include household creation, address changes, adding relationships and mailing labels. Lastly, we will teach the different aspects that front office staff may be required to execute (lockers, announcements, letters, report cards, etc).
Monday August 7, 2023
9am – 11:30am
Intended Audience: Attendance Secretary, Building Secretary, Truancy Officer
Covering how to enter and maintain daily attendance, generating attendance letters, HB410 information and running reports. Note: Please have the Attendance Admin attend the System Cleanup Training (08/01/23) to ensure your backend preferences/attendance codes are set to your district standards.
12:30pm – 3pm
Intended Audience: Behavior Secretaries, Teachers, Principals
Content: Showing how to utilize the Behavior module to create Referrals, enter behavior Management details and run applicable reports/letters. Note: Please have the Behavior Admin attend the System Cleanup Training (08/01/2023) to ensure your backend preferences are set to your district standards.
Tuesday August 8, 2023
Teacher Coaches: Session 1
9am – 11:30am
(Note: Both Teacher Coach Session 1 and 2 are the same training, you will only need to sign up for one)
Intended Audience: Building Teacher Coaches who will go back to your district to educate/train the teachers within your buildings
Content: Exploring the Campus Instruction/Campus Learning through the control Center, taking Attendance, Rosters, Creating Seating Charts, and running student reports. Covering content on how to create categories, assignments, entering student scores and running grade reports.
Teacher Coaches: Session 2
12:30pm – 3:00pm
(Note: Both Teacher Coach Session 1 and 2 are the same training, you will only need to sign up for one)
Intended Audience: Building Teacher Coaches who will go back to your district to educate/train the teachers within your buildings
Content: Exploring the Campus Instruction/Campus Learning through the control Center, taking Attendance, Rosters, Creating Seating Charts, and running student reports. Covering content on how to create categories, assignments, entering student scores and running grade reports.
Wednesday August 9, 2023
Basic AdHoc
9am – 11:30am
Intended Audience: Principals, Secretaries, Infinite Campus Specialist
Content: Covering the creation, editing and sharing of basic ad hoc reports to pull for various students, staff and census information.
Infinite Campus Clean Up
12:30pm – 3:00pm
Intended Audience: Infinite Campus Specialist, Tech Coordinators, Counselors, Administrators
Content: During this working training, we will be showing you how to ensure your calendar is set up correctly, Student Enrollments are correct, grade calculations are pushed to courses, cleaning up your schedule, and reviewing several other modules within Infinite Campus are set up correctly.
Friday August 11, 2023
Health Module
9am – 11:30am
Intended Audience: School Nurses, Secretaries
Content: Entering and maintaining student Health Conditions, Immunizations, Health Screenings, Medications, Office Visits and the different report options.
12:30pm – 3:00pm
Intended Audience: Cafeteria Supervisors, Free/Reduced Lunch Processors, Secretaries
Content: Setting FRAM preferences, household applications, eligibility import wizard, letter editor, verification, reports