AEPA – Athletic & Recreational Lighting

Receive special rates on athletic equipment and supplies through META’s Purchasing Cooperative and our partnership with the Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA). As a purchasing member, you’ll receive deeply discounted pricing on nationally vetted vendors, products and services!


Hellas Construction, Inc

Ruth Hawley

About the Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA):

META Solutions’ partnerships with organizations such as the AEPA and the Ohio Council of Educational Purchasing Consortia (OCEPC) bring national purchasing power to META’s members, allowing them to take advantage of discounts offered through these affiliated organizations. The contracts obtained through these partnerships offer the best prices on quality products and premier services based on the needs of more than 35 million students in this national effort. Additional benefits include extensive school savings and a large variety of quality products and services that span across 45 commodity groups.