As of March 1, 2021, we are limiting in-person meetings, trainings, and open labs to 10 attendees. Our mask guidelines are simple and as follows: We are asking that masks are worn in shared spaces/lobby/common areas. They are not required in a training or meeting if social distancing is being practiced. We will continue to reevaluate meeting size and mask requirements as we see fit. All visitors and employees entering META buildings will receive a temperature check and will be required to answer a few simple health questions to ensure the visitor/employee has not knowingly been exposed to the coronavirus and is not currently experiencing symptoms.
Districts should utilize support tickets to arrange for one-on-one support through phone and web-based interactions.
Stay up-to-date on events by visiting the META Calendar.
Coronavirus Information Resources
Center for Disease Control
Ohio Department of Health
Franklin County Department of Public Health
Zoom Video Conferencing